1. | Giannakopoulos Thanassis | Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon. |
2. | Fragkos Pantelis | Arnold Sommerfeld Center, LMU, Munich. |
3. | Katsianis George | University of Southampton. |
4. | Kokkas Ilias | University of Tennessee, Knoxville. |
5. | Krommydas Dimitris | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University. |
6. | Makridou Andriana | Arnold Sommerfeld Center, LMU, Munich. |
7. | Malikis Savvas | Leiden University. |
8. | Markou Chrysoula | Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich. |
9. | Pateloudis Efstratios | Department of Physics, University of Regensburg. |
10. | Tabler Alexander | Arnold Sommerfeld Center, LMU, Munich. |
11. | Toulikas Dimitrios | Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam. |
12. | Varvelis Evangelos | Institute for Quantum Information, RWTH Aachen. |
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